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2024: My Year of Learning

A mental note to self to focus on learning this year because I'm not there yet.

A paper on an oak surface

Reality checks

  1. I must learn.

  2. I'm not there yet.

  3. I don't know a lot.

  4. I have a long way to go.

  5. I don't know everything.

  6. There is a lot for me to learn.

  7. I'm not at an end-all-be-all state.

  8. I'm not where I want to be at yet.

  9. There is a lot that I indeed don't know.

  10. Times are changing - I can't stay stagnant.

  11. I probably won't know everything forever.

  12. I'm no longer a student in school, but I am forever a student of life.

  13. I must learn if I'm to stay relevant to the times and self-actualize myself.

  14. I shouldn't be entitled as a college grad making real money for the first time.

  15. As a recent college grad, you aren't entitled to it all. Making more money than in your undergrad doesn't imply that you've made it yet.

  16. I have a predestined destination that I want to reach, and to get there, I must learn all there is to it.

Sand dunes in a desert


  1. Learning is an underrated superpower.

  2. We start out of necessity and then gravitate towards luxury.

  3. We all start somewhere; small beginnings are pivotal to our greater success.

  4. I must know my place always: In my job, my relationships, within myself, and with God.


For now, I must know where exactly I want to go within X years, and so far, I have an idea of that.

2025 or sooner (Fall 2024) will be a season of execution - executing on what I've learned. No guarantees, of course - we'll see when we get there.

Until then, I must learn.






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