It's an excellent way to increase your value, confidence, and self-esteem- being proud of yourself first.

We live in a world of unique perspectives- different races, ages, cultures, generations, geographies, etc. The only one-size-fits-all is that we're all human beings.
You could be a Chinese Asian; your Mandarin culture vastly differs from anything in the US. You could be a Latinx in South America but don't know just how different you are from a Botswanan or Cameroonian.
No two people are the same, not even twins. That's where uniqueness is born- when you realize that you are equal to no one else.
Anyone can be anything they want in life, and it starts by realizing your innate self and who you are as a person.
"What drives you? What improves you? What drains you? Your strengths? Your weaknesses? Your value systems?" Whatever your combo, no two humans share the same combination of characteristics, and that's one basis of uniqueness, which everyone has.
Stand out in any way you can, whether it be in music, a sport, an art, your business- whatever it could be. Don't be afraid to share yourself with the world; it needs more of you, and, like a jigsaw puzzle, you're the missing piece that completes it.
Be proud of who you are and where you come from, and those who are proud of you too will, in one way or another, aid you in getting to where you're going.
People value uniqueness and appreciate authenticity, so the more you are proud of yourself, the more others follow your vibe, learn from you, and know what makes you.
That's the minute for today.
~Carerra, 2k21.