Bit by bit, and slowly by slowly, I'm headed somewhere...and I know it.
So...I graduated from school, finally.
And for all the right reasons, school was an impediment to my constructing Carerra's Chronicles.
I'm now free-er than ever...for now.
Still, I'm determined to build this thing.
I'm currently adopting the Kaizen philosophy of continuous improvement via small, consistent, and incremental changes over a long time, thus motivating me to take this process slow by slow.
I'm not creating something drastically huge or implementing humongous changes instantly...but rather fine-tuning stuff bit by bit.
If it's the website, one small section per day.
If it's a blog, one paragraph per day. Worst case: one edit, sentence, or idea per day.
I noticed two things:
The bits are stacking up. The best part is that it's all unconscious & 'behind-the-scenes' growth while I focus on what I can do. By the time I realize it, it's already a significant change.
It's molding a subconscious habit. Since I'm well over my 21 days of cultivating a practice, it's now ingrained in me that I must tweak Carerra's Chronicles daily...and I've done this for four months now. From this habit, I've improved my skills repertoire of web development & design, writing, communication, and vision, among other skills.
Slow progress > no progress. This is self-explanatory.
When I work this way, time is on my side; it's only a matter of time until this blows up - compounding will play its bit in the meantime.
I'm playing the long-term games - the infinite games. My goal isn't to win, but rather to keep building and inspiring people alongside me. That will get me ahead, God willing.
Rome wasn't built in a day, but over decades. Similarly, I'm making my own Rome.
I'm optimistic about how all this will turn out. While I don't know how long it will take, I'm ready to embrace the journey.
What I know for a fact is that bit by bit will get me day.
Until then, I'll take it slow.
And take it easy.