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Consistency vs Intensity

Which is more important?

A great spiral wave over the Wall of China.

Someone asked me:

Which is more important - Consistency or Intensity?

I think consistency.


By (my) definition:

Intensity = How much you’re doing now.

Consistency = Showing up everyday.

(Or at least periodically.)

The argument is:

Too much intensity upfront can disintegrate your consistency.

You focus on too much output too soon

That you burn yourself out

And dysfunction on most other days.

Demotivated on the rest.

For example:


Aim for consistency first.

Get into the habit of starting out gradually,

Showing up daily,

And putting in however much effort initially.

↳Going to the gym is tough the first week.

↳That will improve the second.

↳You get the hand of it the third.

↳And then raise your intensity the fourth.

And so on.

Consistency over Intensity.

(In my humble analysis.)

A graphic showing consistency over intensity.
Consistency > Intensity

What do you think?






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