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Dear America

You’re still the best country in the world — Don’t mess it up.

Written on July 4th, 2024.

A grassland and a mountainside sunrise, and an American Flag.

You are the greatest country on this planet.

Let no one tell you otherwise.

You are the richest.

The most resilient.

The envy of the world.

The most hardworking.

There’s a reason you’re on top — 

You stood on your values.

Values of:




Americans of all races holding hands above the American flag.


You gave:

Hope to the hopeless.

Hard work to the needy.

Prosperity to the seekers.

You gave everyone a chance.

That’s why we call it:

The American Dream.

Something the Founding Fathers would be immensely proud of.

The Benjamins. The Jeffersons.

The Hamiltons. The Adams.

They would’ve been proud of you today.

But you’re messing up somewhere.

A tornado in Arkansas.

You got too much power.

And became drunk with it.

And we know what happens next:







I could go on.

Need not to mention more.

And that’s not nice.

But what’s more terrible:

You’re fighting yourself.

Not Russia. Not China. Not Korea.

It’s you against you.

You forgot what brought you to the top,

So you’re slowly dismantling yourself inside out.

And your foes are watching,

Like a cheetah, ready to pounce.

A blizzard and a revolt with the American flag in the center.

Dear America,

Stop the infighting,

Before the world does that for you.

Sort out your own mess.

Else you’ll go from a world champ one decade,

To a world chump the next.

You’ve still got time. 

Idk how long, but act now.

And act fast.

China’s watching.

Russia’s watching.

Middle East’s watching.

Act fast.

Straighten yourself up.

You’re neither red nor blue.

Neither black nor white.

Neither rich nor poor.

You’re American. And that’s all that matters.
An American uprising during the industrial revolution with the American and Chinese flags in the background.

I say this as a Kenyan Immigrant myself.

From a Third World to the First World.

I’ve seen the best of both worlds, I can say:

America, you are miles ahead of everyone.

Everyone imitates you.

Everyone wants to be you.

Everyone desires to enter your country.

You have so much opportunity it’s not even funny. 

I want you to realize that.

“One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.”

Many are pessimistic about you;

But I’m optimistic.


Your best days are yet to come. Figure yourself out first.
A grassland and a mountainside sunrise, and an American Flag.

God bless America.






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