Some deep secrets about life…
Purpose At almost every stage of life, we’re constantly finding something greater than ourselves. It could be either pursuing a meaningful career or excelling in personal relationships, and funnily enough, no two people’s purposes are similar. Until when we strike our graves, life is a continuous journey of refining and rediscovering our purpose.
Mortality Despite our brain’s wiring to think that we are immortal, the reality is the opposite. At some point in our lives, we constantly contemplate “the other side.” But, until then, it’s our temporary existence on planet Earth that reminds us to enjoy the present more and cherish the moments with our dear ones before they, too, expire.
Interconnectedness We are more connected to the greater universe than we think; from the ecosystem to animals and finally to humans, the cycle continues. Understanding this can breed empathy and more understanding of one another and the entire universe.
Free Will How much are we free to do what we want? How much is too free? How much freedom is harmful? Will my “freedom” hurt others, myself, or both? Finding the balance in between is vital…and hence our decision-making ripens.
Gratitude and Positivity It’s easy to wrap ourselves in negative self-talk and overwhelm ourselves with challenges. It happens; we’re human. Focusing on what we’re grateful for and harnessing positivity can transform our lives and create a sense of peace and inner tranquility.
Connection and Community Naturally, we’re social beings, and our relationships with others are fundamental to our well-being. Whether spending time with family and loved ones or connecting with like-minded individuals, strong relationships are vital to living a fulfilling life.