The following are impactful quotes serving as splendid advice in one-liners - constantly updated.

On Ambition
“People who make things happen run into people who make things happen.” Codie Sanchez.
On Art
“I play the notes as they are written, but it is God who makes the music.” Johann Sebastian Bach.
“I dream my painting and I paint my dream.” Vincent van Gogh.
On Entrepreneurship
“Start young…especially if you want to be an entrepreneur. I started at 58.” Irene Shimizu.
On Health
“Treat your body like a house you’d want to live in for the next 70 years.” A 94-year-old’s advice on life longevity, as mentioned by Sahil Bloom.
On Leadership
“If you can’t feed them, you can’t lead them.” Confucius.
On Legacy
“Let the work that I’ve done speak for me.” My ex-manager’s grandmother.
“We all die. The goal isn’t to live forever. The goal is to create something that will.” Chuck Palahniuk.
On the Neuros
“The supercomputer of your brain is not the fore-brain — the part of the brain that formulates strategy. Rather, the supercomputer of your brain is the unconscious mind.” Dr. Paul Conti
On Personal Development
“Have your principles.” Ray Dalio.
“I want to be remembered as someone honest.” Jordan Peterson.
“Put your house in order before thinking of changing the world.” Also Jordan Peterson.
“Don’t be afraid to start stupid; stay learning. Stay curious.” Abdulhamid Ali, University of Washington.
“The greatest value of life is not what you get. The greatest value of life is what you become.” Jim Rohn.
On Personal Finance
“Act your wage, not your age.” Obioha Okereke, CEO of College Money Habits, on financial responsibility post-college.
“Live below your means.” Common sense.
On Productivity
“Automate and iterate.” Naval.
“You don’t rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.” James Clear, author of Atomic Habits.
On the Pursuit of Success
“Enjoy the process; enjoy the journey.” Ali Abdaal. In a similar light, “Patience with the results, impatience with the journey.”
“What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?” Oprah Winfrey.
“This is what hard feels like.” Also Alex Hormozi on endurance and perseverance.
“Don’t ridicule another man’s hustle.” Gavin Mungai.
“Do your best, no matter what.” Carerra.
“If the ‘why’ is powerful, the ‘how’ is easy.” Jim Rohn.
“Consistency is the only cheat code.” Terry Rice.
On Relationships
“Iron sharpens iron, just as one man sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17
On Resilience
“I never lose. I either win, or I learn.” Nelson Mandela.
“Failure and success are on the same path. Failure comes first.” Alex Hormozi.
“Be courageous driving through uncertainty.” Carerra.
On Self-Mastery
“You don’t become confident by shouting affirmations in the mirror, but by having a stack of undeniable proof that you are who you say you are. Outwork your self-doubt.” Alex Hormozi. (My personal favorite.)
“Fear of the worst is greater than the danger itself.” Keito from Bakugan.
“If you’re a friend to everybody, then you’re an enemy to yourself.” Mike Tyson.
On Spirituality
“Do the Will of God.” Carerra.
On Wealth
“Get paid by results, not by time.” Graham Stephan.
“Earn with your mind, not with your time.” Also Naval.
“Money not found in a job is gotten by skills not found in school.” Dan Koe.
Will add more as I learn.