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The Cheat Code to Life

How to Win Life - 1st Edition

The Colosseum in Rome.


This was originally meant to be, "How to cultivate self-respect," but after reading it a bunch of times, it looked more like a life cheat code.

This is a first edition - I'm pretty sure more will come as I grow older (and hopefully wiser.)

I’m likely also going to make this a personal primer. Idk — we’ll see.

I'm only 23.

Without further ado, let's go.



1. Set your values.

  • Have a creed.

  • Have your core values.

    • Faith

    • Love

    • Vision

    • Family

    • Valiance

    • Courage

    • Integrity

    • Dexterity

    • Hardwork

    • Community

    • Determination

    • Et cetera

    • Whatever works for you.

  • Don't negotiate them.

  • They are non-negotiable.

  • Don't compromise them.

  • Have a personal philosophy by which you live.

    • The older you grow, the more personalized your philosophy.

    • Understand it's susceptible to change as you progress throughout life.

2. Have a mission.

  • Set goals.

    • Big goals.

      • Audacious goals.

        • Life-changing goals.

          • Goals that change who you are as a person for the better.

  • Find an obsession.

    • "Obsession isn't something you tell yourself to start—it's something you force yourself to stop." ~Zach Pogrob.

    • Exploit a niche. There are millions around you.

  • Play the long game.

    • Play it long enough to see your magnified Future-You and start living by their standards.

  • If you don’t know what to do (yet), that’s okay.

  • Try.

  • Keep trying.

  • Try different things. Multiple things.

  • Because by not trying different things, you will never realize what you like vs what you don’t like.

  • And when you do realize what you like, your skills can always transfer to that in one form of another. (Think: Transferrable Skills.)

  • A man on a mission cannot be stopped.

  • Find something that will give your life meaning.

  • Set a lifelong goal for you to achieve within your lifespan.

  • Visualize it everyday. Pursue it daily, no matter the cost.

3. Do hard things.

  • Do the things people are scared to do.

    • Math

    • Chess

    • Fitness

    • Marathons

    • Consistency

    • Public speaking

    • Personal Finance

    • Hard Conversations

    • Etc.

  • Your 2.0 Self is on the other side of accomplishing something hard.

  • Life is hard already.

    • Choose your hard.

  • Good habits are hard.

  • Bad outcomes are also hard.

  • Refer to no. 8.

4. Put yourself first.

  • You can't fill from an empty cup.

  • Put yourself first, then you'll be in a better place to assist others.

  • "I'll take care of me for you if you take care of you for me." Jim Rohn.

  • You have to be at your full capacity first before being able to help others.

    • How can a car take you places if it's on E?

    • Of what use is a tired camel if it can't carry you?

    • How can you take a 3-hour call when your phone is on a five-minute charge?

  • You're not selfish for taking care of yourself and putting your needs first.

  • If you don't respect yourself, no one will respect you. And no one will do that for you.

  • If you put yourself down for others, they likely won't respect you or the help you give them.

5. Set your standards.

  • Aim high.

  • Don't settle for less.

  • Have your boundaries.

  • Raise your bare minimum.

  • Know your worth. Else, people will disrespect you.

  • Whatever your goal is, add 20% to it, then add 20% on top of that 20%.

  • Shoot for the galaxies, not the stars. Everyone can see the stars - few notice the galaxies.

6. Be self-accountable.

  • People don't like hearing, "It's on you."

  • Back your words up with actions. Few people master this.

  • You should ensure that you are indeed who you say you are.

  • Do the things you said you were gonna do when you said you were gonna do them.

    • If your alarm is for 7:00 AM, wake up at 7:00 AM.

    • If you were to attend a meeting at this time, attend the meeting at this time.

    • If you have three tasks to complete that day, complete those three tasks that day.

  • Own up, accept responsibility for your shortcomings, and make amends. Fewer people do this.

7. Take care of yourself.

  • A more subtle way to self-care.

  • Prioritize all aspects important to you.


  • Don't drink.

  • Don't smoke.

  • Proper nutrition.

  • Rest when needed.

  • Work out regularly.

  • Get a good night's sleep.

  • Prioritize physical fitness.

  • Protect your health and well-being.

  • Drugs aren't good. Stay away from them.


  • Have a good income.

  • Live under your means.

  • Ensure positive cashflow.

  • Secure your investments and retirement accounts.


  • Find your Ikigai.

  • Find your mission. (See no. 1.)

  • Corporate isn't for everyone. Neither is entrepreneurship or freelance.

    • Do what fits you.

  • Ensure you're doing something meaningful with your life—a meaningful job.

  • It's what you do in these 80-or-so God-given years that brings fulfillment to your life.


  • Have mentors.

    • They're a cheat code.

  • Have a support system.

  • Amass a personal board of advisors.

  • Keep your family and friends close.

  • You need the right people in your circle.

  • Gather a tribe of soldiers and kinsmen around you, not leeches.

  • Nurture the right relationships because life is 80% relationships.


  • Practice your faith. Live it.

  • Make yourself right with God. See no. 13.

  • Ensure you're spiritually attuned with yourself.

  • It's an eternal battle between the flesh vs the spirit.


  • Read good books.

  • Have positive affirmations.

  • Be careful what you feed your mind.

    • Your self-talk.

    • The apps you scroll.

    • What you see everyday.

    • The media you consume.

    • The people you surround yourself with.

    • Et cetera.

  • Stress isn't worth it.

    • Don't bag it.

    • Don't stress yourself.

    • It shortens your lifespan.

  • Practice gratitude - It could've been worse.

  • Your mental health is more important than you think.

  • It won't matter in three months. Don't fuss about it now.

8. Practice self-awareness.

  • Know your limits.

  • Be brutally honest with yourself.

  • Understand what you can and cannot do.

  • If you can do something, do it. If you can't, don't.

  • Let others know upfront what your capabilities are.

  • Self-awareness is a good pivot point to start challenging your limits. See no. 9.

  • Self-awareness will come at the cost of disappointing others because you won't fulfill their expectations of you.

    • That's okay so long as you fulfill your own.

  • Check no. 10.

9. Challenge yourself everyday.

  • Question everything.

  • Challenge your limits.

  • You are your limits. Raise them.

  • Challenge your beliefs.

  • Evolve first before life forces you to.

  • Relocation is a good life hack - It literally forces you out of your comfort zone.

  • Do the things you said you couldn't do - Things you never thought you could do.

  • If you don't challenge yourself, life will challenge you...and more so beyond your limits.

  • Do the things they said you couldn't. Do it twice; thrice just to make sure, and take pictures.

10. Constantly reflect on yourself.

  • Embrace growth.

  • Embrace learning.

  • Embrace self-mastery.

  • Foster a growth mindset.

  • You're never gonna have it all figured out.

    • That's okay. Nobody does.

  • You're always a work in progress. Accept that.

    • There are always lessons to tell your:

    • 10-year-old self

    • 17-year-old self

    • 34-year-old self

    • 50-year-old self

    • 71-year-old self.

  • Continue reflecting on and learning about yourself.

  • Refer back to no. 8.

11. Have a life of your own.

  • Have your pastimes.

  • Live life on your terms.

  • Have your own hobbies.

  • Be unique. Be authentic. Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.

  • It's okay for others to ridicule you for not going out Friday night and choosing instead to stay in by the fireplace and reading a good book.

12. Don't force things.

  • Let things be.

  • Embrace stoicism.

  • Don't force relationships.

  • Don't force circumstances.

  • Don't force life to happen.

  • What will happen will happen. The people who will stay will stay.

  • The universe repels neediness - neediness is unattractive. It's repulsive.

  • Don't force anyone to stay in your life who has clearly shown they don't want to.

13. God above all.

  • Acknowledging the presence of God puts you in your place.

  • At any moment, your achievements could be wiped out in the blink of an eye if God says so.

  • When you read the Bible, you will relate to many characters whom God led just like you:

    • Judges: Gideon, Deborah, Samson, etc.

    • Prophets: Moses, Elijah, Jeremiah, etc.

  • You're walking the same path as the men and women of the past. Put God first.


  1. Set your values.

  2. Have a mission.

  3. Do hard things.

  4. Put yourself first.

  5. Set your standards.

  6. Be self-accountable.

  7. Take care of yourself.

  8. Practice self-awareness.

  9. Challenge yourself everyday.

  10. Constantly reflect on yourself.

  11. Have a life of your own.

  12. Don't force things.

  13. God above all.






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