The two kinds of stubborn; which one are you?

Most successful people I know share one quality:
They are stubborn.
But wait…hold up.
Lemme explain.
We normally think of “stubborn” as a negative word because we associate it negatively - fair point.
But the dictionary definition shows us otherwise.
The successful people I know fit the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th definitions of stubborn seen above.
They refuse to conform.
They refuse to sink into mediocrity.
They refuse to fit in when they know they can stand out.
They’re the kind of people who would go right because there’s nothing left.
I call them Stubborn-Persistent - Persisting to their goals no matter what.
Those who fit the first definition of stubborn above are Stubborn-Obstinate. And truth be told, helping these people is futile.
Give them the right thing to do - they won’t do it.
Advise them on the tips to succeed - they won’t listen.
Try convincing them that a product will benefit them - you’re better off grazing a dog.
And unfortunately, Stubborn-Obstinate never ends well. They’ll see it for themselves.
By definition, I like to think of stubborn in two ways:
Stubborn-Obstinate: Refusing to listen to wise counsel and things that will benefit you. Doesn’t end too well in most cases.
Stubborn-Persistent: Refusing to bend to others’ declarations of you when you want to achieve this (your dreams), but they tell you otherwise. Staying the track, unrelenting focus.
I prefer no. 2.
So, given the choice, I prefer stubborn persistence - The art of relentless persistence toward your goals no matter what.
However, with all good things, there should also be moderation.
After all, don’t let your persistence lead you to obstinance toward your success catalysts - proponents that should vindicate your persistence in the first place.
Balance + constant self-analysis = key here.