This is my daily mantra that has yet to fail me.
What keeps me going is knowing that I will succeed at my goals one day, God willing.

I’m currently a Math senior at the University of Washington, and so far, the ride has been anything but easy. After a couple of failed classes, some imposter syndrome, and sleep deprivation, I end up questioning my sanity and life decisions sometimes.
For the first time in my life, I’m living alone, so basically, I’m absorbing adult responsibilities: rent, a job, personal finances, etc. Being an adult isn’t as engaging as it seemed as a child.
Digress: I’m on a personal mission to make it as fun - if not more - as childhood would be; I believe my adulthood is what I make of it, just that the definition of fun varies from childhood to adulthood.
Since I’m graduating, the expectation is to land a job immediately after college. No pressure, though, but I can’t get complacent yet, so I must seek a post-grad leeway. A bit tricky here.
All these, however, are the dust before me, and as always, dust settles.
I know for a fact that God willing, I’ll be my own boss, my own CEO, and my own person. I will establish a brand that will change the world because that’s who I am: a go-getter, an achiever, a leader, and an optimist.
I know friends who’ve achieved what I want, and my family and loved ones are rooting for me to succeed- that’s most of the motivation I’ll need. Of course, I have role models, too, from whom I’ll learn how to level up 1% per day towards my goal.
Lastly, from my faith, I have God. I could be as determined and ambitious as Dwayne Johnson hitting another gym rep, but I’m seriously nothing if I don’t have God on my side. Fortunately enough, He always is.
In case you’re wondering, I’m constructing my site, Carerra’s Chronicles, which is my repository of thoughts (I don’t like to call it a blog, but there’s no other way to describe it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) Iwante to span the plethora of thoughts I have surrounding my interests - personal development, technology, finance, business, leadership, etc. - and hope to share what I learn with the world.
I consider Carerra’s Chronicles an extension of my personality where I wish to inspire people through my thoughts, words, and actions, and that in any way, shape, or form, I help somebody somewhere. Still a work in progress, but I pray for big things to emanate from it in the coming years.
Looking at my goals, I know that the short-term turbulences are a speck in the eye - they won’t matter much in the long term.
I’ll keep at it, stay focused and consistent, work smart, do my best, pray, and hope for something eventual.
That said, I keep going.

Keep pushing. Keep grinding.
~Carerra, 2k21.