If you were on Wikipedia, who would you be?

This was a shower-thought question.
"What if I was on Wikipedia?"
"Who would the world know me as?"
"Who would the internet know me as?"
"Who would YOU know me as?"
An interesting frame of mind to consider.
Starting from Realizations
I've had one realization and one epiphany, both of which I feel will massively impact my life to come:
Realization: I'm a Generalist - I have multiple interests that intrigue me that I want to dive deeper into - Tech, Finance, Personal Development, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, etc.
I have seven facets to self: 8-YO me, 23, 30, 45, 63, and 85-YO me. I also have a Billionaire-self and possibly a centi-billionaire-self coming soon.
These frames of mind have made me think more holistically about who I'm becoming since, after all,
Life is a state of becoming, not become. ~Madam Pamela.
So, to my Wikipedia question, my 30-YO self would answer it best.
Who is 30-YO me?
30-YO Me is likely my icon of success in the near future, standing by my success metrics.
Having a good (and possibly respectable) job, an accomplished leader, friend to many, loyal to his family, a millionaire, and someone who loves doing what he does best - inspiring others.
If I were to think of success, I couldn't think of anyone else besides him: A big brother I never had, a paragon I could look up to.
I love that guy; I wanna be like him when I grow up.
And good thing is: he is me...in six years.

Carerra on Wikipedia
If I were to be on Wikipedia, the soonest that would be is at 26. Not saying that will happen; that's just when I would be there soonest.
And considering my Generalist self, I have a few platforms that could elevate my self-actualization between now and age 30, all of which could start revealing themselves from age 26.
Writer. Carerra's Chronicles is mostly writing, so I'll have invested a lot of time doing that. I'm also imagining expanding to Medium, possibly Quora, and my newsletter in the works.
Entrepreneur. I've recently started liking entrepreneurship for its massive potential. I like how you can start something (possibly from scratch) that can influence people's lives at scale and earn a financial return, as is the case for for-profit routes. At the start of my thirties, I see myself doing this with stakes in the tech, finance, education, and fashion industries. We'll see.
Investor. Something I pray for is financial prosperity that I can propagate towards bettering the common good, thanks to Andrew Carnegie's Gospel of Wealth. In my early thirties, God willing, I see myself as an angel investor doing some private equity in the Silicon Valley and the East African business community. We'll see.
Author. I have three imaginary books in mind, one of which, as of 2030, would be close to publication. I'd hope they become bestsellers for the consequent impact they have on the readers, but for now, c'est un imaginacion. Regardless, being an author is in the books, no pun intended.
Podcaster. I want to interview inspirational people, whether academic sages or a fascinating lad I met at a gala Saturday night. I like continuously learning from people; sharing their insights with the world seems fun.
Speaker. I've been contemplating for a while now and imagine myself becoming an on-demand motivational speaker. It'd be a fantastic way to disseminate my knowledge and experiences, hoping that I inspire someone, somewhere, someday.
CEO of Carerra's Chronicles. Without doubt, this is who I'll become. For now, Carerra's Chronicles is where I share insights on topics that interest me: Tech, Finance, Personal Development, Leadership, etc. Thus, I imagine 30-year-old Me scaling on these interests and laying stake in them. This would be me transitioning from a Generalist to a Polymath - story for another day.
My 30-YO self is one with diverse interests and beginning to capitalize on them. He's likely to scale Carerra's Chronicles into a holding company to encapsulate his interests.
I shouldn't be worried at all about him - he should be worried about me not taking action to exercise my foothold in these domains.
Back to me, I think this is me subtly outlining my future plans & goals. Not concrete yet, but this is more like a vivid visualization getting more precise the more I describe it. Otherwise, we'll see what God and the universe have in store for me in the future.
For now, I'll let ChatGPT put the icing on the cake.
